A Centimeter is a unit used to measure the distance in the international system of units.
As per the metric system, a centimeter is 1/100 of a meter. The centimeter is denoted by cm.
A foot is a unit to measure the length in the imperial and US customary systems of measurement. The foot is used as the unit of length in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada. It is generally used to measure short distances, height, etc.
We can convert centimeter to foot and foot to centimeter. One centimeter is equivalent to 0.0328084 ft. In other words, one foot is equivalent to 30.48 Centimeters.
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Therefore, Centimeter and foot, both are units of length.
If you want to convert the centimeter into the foot, we can multiply the centimeter value by 0.0328084.
We can understand with an example if you want to convert 100 cm into the foot
Foot = Centimeter X 0.0328084
100 X 0.0328084 = 3.28084 ft.
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