A minute (symbol: min) is a unit of time based on the second, which is the base unit of the International System of Units (SI). It is equal to 60 seconds. Under Coordinated Universal Time, a minute can have a leap second, making the minute equal to 61 rather than 60.
When the Romans developed the first type of clocks, they created a unit of time called a "minute." They got this word from Latin, which means the first small part. The minute was originally one 1/60th of an hour (1/60th of 60 seconds). That was based on the average length of a day.
Current use
The minute is another big concept in math. It's used to measure a variety of things, from the time it takes for an egg to cook, to how many heartbeats there are per minute.
One second has been the base unit of time for the International System of Units (SI) since late 2018. It is defined by taking one second as the value 9,192,632,770 when expressed in hertz. This definition was accepted as an extension to the previous definition which was largely the same, except it was less rigorous.
One of the most accepted units in science is the second. Over the years, it has been redefined four times.
The second is a unit of time equal to 1/86400 part of a day. Before 1832, the second was historically defined as the fraction of the time it took for the earth to complete a full rotation cycle relative to the sun.
Second- a fraction of an extrapolated year, near 1949. As quartz clock was released in late 1940s, the second was defined as 1/31,556,925.9747 of year for 1900 January 0 at 12 hours ephemeris time in 1956. The definition became part of SI.
In 1967, the second was defined as 9,192,631,770 times the period of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels in a ground state of 132 caesium atoms." However, these new definitions affect how the second is used in everyday life.
Current use
Seconds are the base unit of time and exist unchanged in both modern and old forms of measurement. There are few, if any, applications in which time is not measured by seconds.
Minute to Second Conversion Table
Minute [min] Second [s]
0.01 min 0.6 s
0.1 min 6 s
1 min 60 s
2 min 120 s
3 min 180 s
5 min 300 s
10 min 600 s
20 min 1200 s
50 min 3000 s
100 min 6000 s
1000 min 60000 s
How to Convert Minute to Second
1 min = 60 s
1 s = 0.0166666667 min
Example: convert 100 min to s:
100 min = 100 × 60 s = 6000 s
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