In the imperial and US customary systems, an ounce (symbol: oz) is a unit of mass that can be recorded as exactly 28.349523125 grams. It is equivalent to one sixteenth of a pound in the avoirdupois system.
The origin of the ounce stems from the Roman uncia, which meant "twelfth part." The use of a standardized copper bar that both defined the Roman pound and foot led to using the uncia as the basis for not only the inch but also standard ounces. Different ounces are still used today, like Dutch metric ounces (100g) and French ounces (30.59g), among others.
Current use
The ounce is still an important unit of measurement for postal items, as well as packaged foods and food portions. The ounce is no longer the official unit of measurement in the US customary system; however, it remains popular in many other countries with British roots.
1 pound is the symbol lb, a unit of weight that can be used in imperial and US customary systems. The traditional definition of 1 pound is 0.45359237kg, although today it's more commonly defined as exactly 16 ounces.
The modern pound descends from the Roman libra and was once known as a number of different measurements before it became standardized to the avoirdupois system. The avoirdupois system is based on a physical weight which can be divided into fractions of 16 ounces, something that has three even divisors (8, 4, 2). This could be why this system became so popular at a time when other systems used 10, 12 or 15 subdivisions.
Current use
The pound is a unit of weight that is used quite often in the United States, as well as many other countries. In the UK they use it to measure body weight. Over time the UK has gone back and forth on using different units of measurement, but they still make a distinction between pounds and stones when used to describe someone's weight.
Ounce to Pound Conversion Table
Ounce [oz] Pound [lbs]
0.01 oz 0.000625 lbs
0.1 oz 0.00625 lbs
1 oz 0.0625 lbs
2 oz 0.125 lbs
3 oz 0.1875 lbs
5 oz 0.3125 lbs
10 oz 0.625 lbs
20 oz 1.25 lbs
50 oz 3.125 lbs
100 oz 6.25 lbs
1000 oz 62.5 lbs
How to Convert Ounce to Pound
1 oz = 0.0625 lbs
1 lbs = 16 oz
Example: convert 15 oz to lbs:
15 oz = 15 × 0.0625 lbs = 0.9375 lbs
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